Фотографии дизайна потолка в маленькой гостиной:
[Image of a white coffered ceiling in a small living room with a chandelier](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/5a/69/33/5a6933279692bca5a0bb3d713a1d5d19.jpg)
[Image of a light blue painted ceiling with white crown molding in a small living room with a fireplace](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/39/8d/aa/398daae0661f9d4b2712b60bdd4db00a.jpg)
[Image of a dark green painted ceiling with white crown molding in a small living room with a large window](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/15/a0/9f/15a09f8166fb31527d1122488f047a34.jpg)
[Image of a white vaulted ceiling with exposed wood beams in a small living room with a rustic fireplace](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/cc/f8/8a/ccf88a64d3d3690dba29530730505280.jpg)
[Image of a white tray ceiling with a crystal chandelier in a small living room with a fireplace](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/22/50/b1/2250b191659c749b31f878453a562349.jpg)
[Image of a light gray painted ceiling with white crown molding in a small living room with a sectional sofa](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/89/0d/00/890d00bdd2f657cfa12f76b7b38cfdd4.jpg)
[Image of a white beamed ceiling with a skylight in a small living room with a fireplace](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/21/41/00/214100c3d00d433d28754e391f33589f.jpg)
[Image of a dark blue painted ceiling with a white crown molding in a small living room with a large window](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/e0/75/3f/e0753fd5a880a638b4c8b560c9055a62.jpg)
Советы по дизайну потолка для маленьких гостиных:
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Используйте зеркальную плитку на потолке, чтобы зрительно увеличить пространство.